JAPANESE HOMEGROWN 1&2 (日本のインディーズ・バンドのコンピレーション・アルバム) 等
ワールド・カップ・サッカー日本代表オフィシャル応援ソング 吉田秀彦 応援ファイト・ソング
well known works by troy and tim jensen include lyrics for:
- RISE ( STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd GIG opening theme song ) sung by origa
- GRAVITY ( WOLF'S RAIN opening theme song ) sung by maaya sakamoto
- BLUE ( ending song for the last COWBOY BEBOP session ) sung by mai yamane
- TANK ( COWBOY BEBOP opening theme song ) spoken by tim jensen
- LITHIUM FLOWER ( STAND ALONE COMPLEX ending theme song ) sung by scott mathews
- STRAY ( WOLF'S RAIN opening theme song ) sung by steve conte
- GET 9 ( STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd GIG special opening theme for japanese TV ) sung by jillmax and hideyuki
- ASK DNA ( COWBOY BEBOP (the movie) opening theme song ) sung by raj
- KNOCK A LITTLE HARDER ( COWBOY BEBOP (the movie) ending theme song ) sung by mai yamane
- MONOCHROME ( STAND ALONE COMPLEX sound track ) sung by ilaria graziano
- CALL ME, CALL ME ( COWBOY BEBOP soundtrack ) sung by steve conte
- MY WORLD DOWN ( BECK ending theme song ) sung by mark gardener
- I CALL YOU LOVE ( BECK soundtrack ) sung by gary stringer
- DON'T TELL LIES ( SIAM SHADE album song ) sung by hideki
- GET A LIFE ( SAIM SHADE album song ) sung by hideki
- WONDERFUL WORLD ( kh re-mixed up 1 ) sung by ken hirai
( and over 150 other titles written by troy and/or tim jensen )